
We are David and Nancy from Seattle, WA and enjoy riding our tandem bicycle, Pearl, with a local group, Evergreen Tandem Club. In 2012, we attempted to bike the Mississippi River Trail from Minneapolis to New Orleans. Unfortunately, we aborted that trip due to illness in St.Louis. Last year, we toured on the Selkirk Loop until an insurmountable mechanical problem sent us home. This year, we plan to ride from Bremen to Amsterdam on a supported ride with Bike and Barge Holland which is a local company from Redmond, WA. We are bringing Pearl, built by R & E Cycles in Seattle, which has couplings and can pack in two suitcases. We are looking forward to biking in Europe on both a supported ride and another route of our choosing. As always, we’re taking it one mile at a time.
Bring on the adventure!

3 Responses to About

  1. spencer says:

    One mile at a time is the only way to do that kind of ride, unless you get to the “one pedal stroke at a time” stage. May the winds be at your back and the hills all go down.

  2. Mary Ann says:

    Will miss you at the JHS reunion tomorrow, but you are given a pass! What a great adventure you are on – reminds me of my trip across country. Enjoy your all experiences, & please have a celebration & show when you return to Seattle.

  3. Janice says:

    Thoroughly enjoy reading your dialog and viewing the photos. Sounds like you are having a fun time while viewing some beautiful sights! Keep on enjoying!

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